Beagle Scouts Family Day
Saturday, November 16, 2024
10:00 am–3:30 pm
Cost: Included in Museum admission. Free for Members!
Enjoy hands-on fun, cartoon lessons, live presentations, and a meet a troop of musical instruments in celebration of the Peanuts Beagle Scouts!
- 10:00 am–2:00 pm: earn Beagle Scout badges by learning to navigate with a compass, practicing wilderness skills, drawing with cartoonist Robert Pope, and enjoying activities with Session Climbing and California Relay.
- 11:00 am: join Jason Cooper (writer), Kat Fraser (artist), and Robert Pope (artist), the creative team behind Snoopy’s Beagle Scout Tales, for a live presentation and book signing.
- 2:00–2:45 pm: try out a variety of musical instruments with the Santa Rosa Symphony’s Instrument Petting Zoo.
- 3:00 pm: live performance by the young musicians of Simply Strings.