Welcome to Beaglefest X

BeagleFest X
Santa Rosa, California July 1-4, 2010

Over 150 Peanuts fans belonging to the Peanuts Collectors Club visited the Museum and the rest of the Schulz Complex over the 4th of July weekend. The BeagleFesters are a wonderful group of people who have a passion for all things Peanuts, and most of them are return visitors to Santa Rosa and the Museum. Many are also Museum members and a few are even Major Donors. We are grateful for all of their support!

BeagleFest guests in the Museum's Great Hall

BeagleFest guests in the Museum's Great Hall

BeagleFest guests in the Museum’s Great Hall

Friday night the group visited the Museum for an evening of personal tours and a shopping fest of vintage Determined Productions product. All of these sales benefitted the Museum and, once again, the support is gratefully received.

Snoopy was present for all events and even bowled with the guests on Thursday night at Double Decker Lanes in Rohnert Park.

Here are some photos from BeagleFest X. For more images, check out the Schulz Museum’s Facebook page.

Snoopy talks things over with a Canine Companions dog.

Snoopy throws a strike!

Snoopy talks things over with a Canine Companions dog, then trows a strike!

Ice skating show featuring Snoopy!The BeagleFest group also got a special treat with an ice skating show—featuring Snoopy!

—Jean Schulz

© 2025 Charles M. Schulz Museum | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | A non-profit 501(c)(3) organization
PEANUTS © Peanuts Worldwide LLC | Website by Inbound Design