More Flying with Jeannie – Sonoma County, California

I invited the Schulz Museum staff members to share my passion for the trapeze. Flying on a trapeze is much like a ropes course; it is both exhilarating and frightening!

Dinah Houghtaling, Traveling Exhibits Manager, is a natural on the trapeze.

Dinah Houghtaling, Traveling Exhibits Manager, is a natural on the trapeze. Here she is "caught" by the trapeze professionals helping the group.

Toma Day, Museum Facilities Manager, watches his son take a swing

Toma Day, Museum Facilities Manager, watches his son take a swing

The trapeze platform is very high among the tree tops

The trapeze platform is very high among the tree tops

Kathy Smeaton, from the Collections Department, grabs the trapeze swing

Kathy Smeaton, from the Collections Department, grabs the trapeze swing

Anne Knight, In-House Exhibits Manager, swings out while Lisa Monhoff, Museum Archivist, waits her turn

Anne Knight, In-House Exhibits Manager, swings out while Lisa Monhoff, Museum Archivist, waits her turn

A look of determination crosses Jeff Hollister's face

A look of determination crosses Jeff Hollister's face (Program and Floor Coordinator) as he contemplates the feat ahead of him— swinging out into the abyss


—Jean Schulz

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