Museum Staff Christmas Party

The Museum staff kicked off the holiday season with lunch at a local Italian restaurant.  It was full of conversation, laughter, and the opportunity to find out some things we didn’t know about each other.

Karen Johnson, Schulz Museum DirectorAbove is Karen Johnson, our esteemed Museum Director, with a much-loved Snoopy plush.
Below is the card that elicited a wonderful laugh from her. . .that got us all laughing, too!
Image of a Schulz Museum staff meeting

Now, it is back to work preparing for a two-week run of daily classes and special weekend activities such as making gingerbread doghouses,  creating a film with students’ handmade puppets, and making a stop-motion animated short.

The glorious culmination of the Museum’s holiday activities will be our first ever UP/DOWN balloon drop on December 31st. At noon on that day, Snoopy will lead visitors in a New Year’s toast with his favorite beverage (guess what?). Please look forward to pictures here in the New Year.

—Jean Schulz

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