New Year’s Eve Up/Down Balloon Drop
I stood on the Museum’s Mezzanine overlooking a smiling crowd of children and adults waiting to toast in the New Year. With microphone in hand, I had been chosen to perform the countdown for the Museum’s New Year’s Celebration.
A cheer went up as Snoopy parted the crowd leading The March of the Balloons in the Museum’s Great Hall.

Snoopy leading...

The March of the Balloons

Marchers release their balloons
We counted down, 10…Snoopy released a bunch of balloons, 9…A child balloon-tender released another set of balloons, 8…More balloons, and so on. After the #1 balloon-tender let her balloons free, the crowd cheered.

Jean Schulz signals for the release of the balloons

Balloons dropping from the ceiling

Balloons hitting the crowd
I gave the signal and over 450 balloons (some shaped like dogs) fell to the excited and patient guests below. A root beer toast was the final act in ringing in our Noon-time celebration.
We certainly had fun, and our guests did, too. We are already planning a bigger and better New Year’s Celebration for December 31, 2011!
—Jean Schulz