Comic Books, Comic Books, Comic Books!

Michael Aushenker and Rafael Navarro, who draw and self-publish El Gato and Sonambulo respectively, were featured speakers at the Museum on Sunday, September 2nd. They spoke about their passion for comics and how their careers have moved from a love of drawing and storytelling to animation and writing for several newer comic book adaptations including Bart Simpson and Gumby’s Gang Starring Pokey. The Museum audience enjoyed watching Navarro draw and demonstrate storytelling and animation techniques like the close up and, our favorite, the EXTREME CLOSE UP. Audience questions inspired a conversation between Aushenker, Navarro and the audience about the role of technology in cartooning and animation today, and what the future will bring for both industries.

About 50 people listened to Michael and Rafael in the auditorium and the two artists spent over an hour talking to guests afterwards and signing comic books.

It pleases me so much to realize that this is a special gift the Museum can bring to our visitors. Where else is it that people can hang around with a cartoonist, take their time and have their questions answered?  I keep thinking of the effect on the young people who experience this open and relaxed dialogue. Surely some will be inspired to follow their dreams. And when they do I hope they pass on the inspiration.

Michael Aushenker speaks at the podium, while Rafael Navarro demonstrates animation techniques.


Rafael and Michael with Jeannie and two Museum guests.
From left to right:
Jeannie Schulz, Alexis Antonio, Rafael Navarro, Carolyn Wellhausen, and Michael Aushenker.


Alexis enjoys a quiet moment reading a comic book.


Michael outside the Museum entrance.


Which one is the Doctor?!

                                                                                              —Jean Schulz


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